Category: Dreams & Visions
Dream Class and Rocket
I have had two sets of dreams in last couple of weeks. I dreamed i was in a college university about to take my finals. Most eveyrone had already taken theirs and left. Today I dreamed of being in a classroom again. I also dreamed
Drean | Flooding Basement
I dreamed that I was checking out a leak in the basement, and it turned out that there was a gusher happening. Water was pouring in and running like a river and out. I heard that it had been kept without damage to get me
Dream | Alligators
I dreamed I worked at some place. It was nighttime. There were canals and bridges where you walked around the grounds. I knew there were tons of alligators around. At night, you could shine a light and their eyes would glow. Barbie’s book has two
Fast Day 5 Dream
I dreamed that Jack and I were taking off in a Lear Jet. He was the pilot. I was copilot. It seemed like we were taking off from Atlanta. There were all kinds of trees we were flying through as we were rising above the
Fast Day 1 of 40
And, so we begin. Day one of the fast. Juice, diet coke, water… no calories except from fruit. A little protein powder. Had a dream last night. I was pulling up the an Exxon gas station. X on. Christ on. We are on. We pulled
Dream – Climbing the Bird House
I dreamed I was with Tim Hall from my childhood neighborhood. We were looking at this building that was about 3 stories tall and had little square holes in it all the way up the middle section. Birds used the holes to nest in. We
Dream About to Climb Mountain
I dreamed that there was a group of us about to climb this mountain. I looked up at the top, and it was so high. Then I looked at the others and noticed I didn’t have a warm enough jacket or gloves. There was snow
Dream | Johnny Enlow Makes a Seat
Grant Stailey and I talked about this dream. He thought it to be great that a seat was being made for me next to a prolific prophet of our day. God show me the seat!~ Johnny Enlow was sitting by himself in one of the
Dream | Baby Blue Car Overheating
I dreamed that I as driving that baby blue car we had back in high school. Drove it from CO to ATL. I was overheating. The place we took it was too busy but Geyn Morgan was working there and was going to get us
Dream |Raising Dead Lady
We were at a place where a lady had died. I asked the family if they had prayed to raise her from the dead. Several if us gathered around the casket and started praying Pretty soon you could hear her crying from within. She was